Today I went to Brussels with the Rotary Exchange
Students! Alain and Fanny and I woke up
and drove into Liege
football stadium, "standard de liege". |
to meet the other Rotary kids at the train station
la garre de guillmans |
where I joined the exchangers on a double decker bus into Brussels
and stood
around and received nametags and were sorted by country and host district and toured
a big beautiful rich building that I don’t know what was and then presented
banners to our district governor
but I didn’t have mine because I can’t read
the emails from Rotary because my internet is bad right now (by the way if you
don’t know the band called The Civil Wars, you should check them out for acoustic and harmonic

and then we went to lunch and ate les frites et des boulletes
or at
least I think that’s how you spell it anyway they’re meatballs and we took lots
of group photos in the Grand Place (that are somewhere on a rotary website somewhere)
and then went for a tour of la Chambre (sort
of like House of Representatives) and Parliament and then heard from some very
important people who may or may not have been the speaker of the la Chambre
maybe the president of Rotary Youth Exchange or something but I don’t really
know anyway they gave rousing speeches about the wonderful things youth
exchange does for world awareness and creating a global community and then
afterwards it was about 18h we got back on the bus and then Francoise picked me
up at the train station again and we talked in French again after speaking
English practically the entire day with some really interesting and fun people
from all over the world (it seems the common language of RYE is English; even
the South Americans who really don’t have any reason to speak English all speak
English as well as Spanish or Portuguese and French its very impressive) and
after all that English I was afraid I
would have lost my French abilities and
though I talked more today than I have since I arrived, when I got in the car
with Francoise it seems that I spoke MORE in French than I did before a fact
with which I am very pleased.
Exhausting, no?
Oh yeah I met up with one of the
wonder twins today!! 2 girls from
outbound camp, identical twins, filmmaking partners, and generally
knowledgeable people both of whom are on exchange this year, one
to Belgium, and one to Taiwan! I was
concerned about how they would fare without each other! But I think she’s doing ok, if she’s not very
sad still. But then, aren’t we all
always missing our other half? In search
the other part of ourselves that when we are with it, we are just that much
better people?
One interesting phenomenon about
changing languages is that for right now I forget in between conversations that
I ever have trouble communicating with people.
I forget that everyone here speaks French and I must as well to be
understood. Not that I speak English
inadvertently, but that the language is really sort of immaterial. I continue to love speaking French. Don’t think I’ll ever stop.