After spring break and all the European travels, we all started to feel the pressure of the end of our exchanges coming. It all felt like a blur to me. The sun started coming out, the days started getting longer, my French started feeling second nature. And people started thinking about having to go home.
I also remember students in class starting to think about exams and profs being both more relaxed and more stressed. Less class work and more study.
And I continued to try to document the specifics of my new home.
Chelsea Dickson, a dear friend from Liege area (I want to say Verviers), also from Pennsylvania, had a little get together soiree. Her host parents offered to let people come over while they were out. I got the impression a lot of Belge parents were comfortable with things like that. So around 12 people, mostly exchangers, gathered at her place.
Sarah (NY), and Lucie (Belge) |
Kate (AUS), Emmaline (SC), Connor (CO) |
Chelsea, Bob Dylan, Emmaline, Kate, Klaudia, Connor the morning after. all taking buses back home |
I can only assume from my pictures that we stayed the night and headed into Liège to meet up with more poeople throughout the day. Though this could easily have been separate days. These were the dreamy days of finally feeling fun and free. Inhibitions lowered simply because of the impending fear of leaving it all behind.
Klaudia and me waiting for bus in Boncelles! Near our old homes in Tinlot! |
Back downtown, showing the Palais des Princes Evecques, and also Liege's campaign to host an International Expo set to happen in ----2017-----! In the end it seems Liège lost. I just looked it up, and it's happening in Kazakhstan this year. |
With sweet Kate Dean (AUS) watching a didgeridoo guy. In downtown Liège. |
Up aux coteaux in the hills behind Liège in some beautiful weather. |
mon petit gsm. |
The coteaux really are cool they are winding trails and stairs hidden in bricked walls and vines and it's so pretty. |
Getting Bonbons Kiwi with one of my favorite Kiwis, Lydia |
I'm trying to remember what event this was, because at one point, I went out to the courtyard near Cathedrale with my rotarians and got drinks for France day I think it was beginning of may but I don't recall. It's a national holiday though. |
Unsure if I just liked the name Remy or what. |
after all. Remy is the name of the rat from Ratatouille. |
This is gorgeous! I think it's the park near Rue St Gilles, or Jardin Botanique? |
The Gazebo where I got off the bus! one might say, the center of Seraing |
Clearly now I'm just documenting these places because here is the entrance to my high school |
This is a cool house on my bus ride into town. |
Here's an ad for I'm not even sure. Free towels themed after the tour de france
(which would soon begin with it's time trials in downtown Liege!) |
My street. a church. and a bar next door. |
same spot other direction. A pet shop. |
My Host mom's plaque on our front door! She is a gynecologist and midwife. |
The view from my window of the Factory |
And then one day Marie Pollain and I met back up to go to see "Titanic" in 3D on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of its sinking. |
took a bus way out to this theatre way up behind Liège. |
Back into town to capture every angle of this city. This is Blvd D'Avroy. Fun fact this street the curls up around the city used to be the river. until it was redirected. The career was right in the middle of the loop. |
The opera house being constructed. but hmm I think this is facing south. Then again I see "Galleries St Lambert" there. |
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