10 May 2012

17/18 February, Annif de Marie/Durbuy

I got to go out for the first time in so long that the cold and the rain didn't even bother me.  I was so happy to see Liège again.  It was my host sister Marie's birthday!

and my other host sister, Natacha, lent me her scarf.
the following day, my host dad and brother and I went to Durbuy,
famed for being the smallest "city" in Belgium.  Officially a city because
of population or government or something, but still, it's quite petite.

It was starting to warm up (8 degrees Celsius already!) but all the ice everywhere was still frozen!

Durbuy is situated in a little valley, and is apparently beautiful and flowery in the summer.  Also very touristy.
The castle is now a hotel.

There are gardens.  The river is one of the rivers that feeds into the Meuse (the river in Liège).
Obviously, this is upstream of Liège, however we are far south west of Liège.  This river runs
through Tilf on it's way to Liège.

A rocky valley it is.

If anything can be said for Durbuy, is that it has a lot of charm!

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