11 September 2011

weekend of Sep 9,10,11, Liege, Brux

     Not sure what to do today to address 9/11.  It came up once at lunch today, but I didn’t really understand, and nobody was upset over it, one way or another.  So, as a good American, I’ll look somber if it comes up, but otherwise not be worried.
        In other news, my favorite food here is Kwatta: sortof knockoff Nutella without the healthy nut aspect.  Chocolate icing for everyday life!  I eat it every time I walk through the kitchen.  Just spread it over a bit of toast!  Fantastic.

Flémalle, right outside of Liège (facing Liege.  Brux is the other direction)  it got to be 30 degrees C that day.
       Brussels was great!  It was really hot all day and we never actually found the Comic Book Museum, but we went to a cathedral!  And we walked around the centre a little bit, in and out of the train station over and over again, and 2 of our group still managed to miss their train.  But it was quite a fun day.

some sight-seeing in Bruxelles
les Galleries Royales de St Hubert had lots of fancy chocolateries and even 2 haberdasheries!
Cathedrale des Saintes Michel et Gudula, Bruxelles

      Quite a fun weekend, indeed.
      School on Friday was tough, but I had 2 English classes, which are fun.  Not because I understand everything, but because it’s a nice teacher and all that.  I don’t understand most of my classes, but at least I did make some real friends that I now eat lunch with and we exchanged facebooks and skypes! 
       Friday night I went to Liege to see “Beginners,” v.o.  The movie was fine, but whilst in Liege, someone from school recognized me and called out my name!  I have NO idea who it was!  But it was cool to recognized by a Belge.
This post's batch of Guillemins pictures:

      After-wards I spent the night with an oldie friend of mine who lives nearer to a train station (in Flemalle) than I in order so that the next morning would be easier to catch the train for Bruxelles.  Next night, I stayed with him again because my host parents didn’t have access to a car to get me until this morning.  Fortunately his host parents are very nice and like him, and me, pretty well.  Good weekend!
     Oh I also bought a flatbill cap this weekend in Brussels, which is very American, but I’ve been wanting one for a very long time now, and I told myself before I got to Belgium that if I saw something I liked, I would go ahead and buy it because if I don’t, then I won’t ever buy anything, leaving me with no souvenirs, memories, or empty wallets.
      Raining today.

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